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OV 4646, Jamie Greenwood, dies in Corfu

It is with great sadness that we bring you the news of the death of Old Victorian Jamie Greenwood.

Jamie lost his life last Saturday, 13th April 2013, in Corfu where he lived and worked. He was involved in a motorcycle accident which he didn't survive.

Sadly Jamie was only 25 years old. He attended QVS from 1998-2005.

If you use Facebook there is a page at http://www.facebook.com/fiendsofjamie which is asking for donations towards his funeral. From what we know of him we are sure he would have found the typo in that URL very funny!

He was very well liked by his schoolfriends and also the staff at QVS who remember him fondly as a great friend and a young man with a laid back attitude to life.

We understand there may be a memorial service for him in Scotland organised by his family and as soon as we know more we'll let you have the details.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this awful time.


Vita brevis est sed memoriae permanent semper.

Jamie Greenwood

This entry was written by Stuart A Hill - IT/Media, posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

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