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Queen Victoria School
FK15 0JY
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Lt Col AK Evans RAEC(ret'd)

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you of the sudden death of my father, Lt Col Ken Evans, at the age of 88 on Friday 28 September 2012. He was the last serving RAEC officer to be Head of Queen Victoria School, from 1970 to 1973.
He thoroughly enjoyed his time at QVS, and recently told me that it was probably his favourite posting. That was against some serious opposition given that he was on the staff at Sandhurst, a Housemaster at the Duke of Yorks School, and served in Africa, India, Korea, Singapore and in the UK. He threw himself into the life of QVS not only during term, but also visiting CCF camps and other activities during the school holidays. A keen sportsman, he was an avid supporter of school teams. I remember our family attending the annual Wavell House camp at Rothiemurchus Lodge in the Cairngorms, which was then a large log cabin -  our labrador Sam was particularly popular, even if he did hog the open fire!
He enjoyed working with young people, and was proud of the ethos and achievements of the school. Recently he watched the Edinburgh Tattoo, and also the Songs of Praise programme from Dunblane Cathedral - he commented on the confident and capable interviews given by staff and pupils. I sense that he knew QVS remains in good hands.
He left the Army in 1975 and settled in Yorkshire, working until final retirement in 1987 as an investigator for the Local Government Ombudsman, which took him all over the north of England.
I should be grateful if you would pass this on to the Old Victorians Association.

This entry was written by Leigh - OVA President, posted on Thursday, January 17, 2013

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